
Non-attachment has been a major area of interest for Eric these last few years. He wrote about it in his Uranus book, and below is a section directly from that work. This will help to not only familiarize you with the idea, but it's also a good introduction to his writing and ideas.

from Uranus by Eric Meyers

Living in a non-attached way means that we believe that whatever life brings us is perfect and necessary, and opens the self into continual breakthrough. The self does not impose an agenda onto this transpersonal intelligence that envelops us—rather, there is trust in and surrender to the conditions of the present moment. When we resist reality, we inadvertently take on the role of God. "No God, life should be this way!"

The Moon is the astrological indicator of attachment, and it serves the essential function of seeing to our survival. "Once bitten, twice shy"—we learn from our experiences and rightfully develop protective emotions that enable us to navigate through life. The Moon suggests how one's experiences and entire spiritual history have been absorbed and consolidated. The purpose of the Moon is to ensure that our most basic and fundamental needs are met. When they're not met, the unconscious retains a memory, and this is quite useful. The struggle of the Moon is in clutching to these memories, which prevents embracing the present moment.

In order to arrive at non-attachment, the Moon must be acknowledged, felt and brought to the present. This means embracing whatever feelings are part of the soul's history, rather than keeping them unconscious. This produces an integrated rather than fragmented psyche. A protective strategy might be to not feel anger, sadness, hurt or fear. Many desperately want to maintain composure or follow through with a task. They want to avoid the perceived unpleasantness of these states, rather than seeing any value of their acknowledgement. However, the soul has still absorbed the experiences that led to these feeling states, whether they're acknowledged or not. Since they're part of the system anyway, being conscious and honoring them releases the protective strategies designed for survival.

What's done is done—it's no longer threatening anymore unless we stay preoccupied with it by trying to avoid it. Through avoidance, the individual stays haunted by whatever trying events are in his or her past, and approaches the present in survival mode. The Moon's initial purpose of alerting us to what is potentially threatening is never turned off. Simply being with the impact that life has delivered allows emotions to lose their urgency—kind of like releasing the pause button. Emotion is energy in motion—the consolidated emotional energy moves through us when we bring presence and awareness to it. What usually occurs is some form of catharsis. Universally, people claim to feel "better" or "lighter" after a release. They are no longer attached to their past because it's been processed. Ideally, there is an honoring of experience when we let go—the wisdom and lessons that life delivered are understood, and this allows us to grow. Refusing to be integrated with one's absorbed experiences restricts growth, and non-attachment becomes impossible.

When we are still unfinished with past events, we are in thrall to Saturn. Reality is resisted, and the soul is desperately trying to find outcomes that it believes would be more satisfactory than what are actually occurring. Subsequently, we are unable to break through to Uranian territory. Continued »
